Essentials - Bras
- Leggings
"The swimsuit does wonders for my figure. It smooths out unwanted bulges and gives me a nice hourglass shape. Love it! Isabella

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Shipping & Delivery

What's the shipping time to ...?

After placing your order, it will be processed by our fulfillment team. This process takes 1-3 days to complete.

Delivery time depends on your location:

USA Australia UK Rest of the World
Shipping Time : 2-7 business days 2-7 business days 2-7 business days 2-7 business days
Price : $3.95 $3.95 $3.95 $3.95

The standard shipping fee is $3.95

* Please note that shipping in the Holiday season would take 5 – 7 business days more than usual. Since an order needs up to 3 weeks to be delivered, please don’t reach out to us if that period has not passed.

How to track your order

Once your order has been shipped out, we will forward you a tracking link via the email you’ve provided when placing your order.

You can also track your order by going to our order tracking page (you’ll need your order number and billing email)


If you’re unhappy with your purchase, you’re free to return your order within 45 days to get a full refund.

Kindly contact our customer happiness team to guide you with the return process

For further details, please check our return policy.
